150 people on Facebook with comments about Manny's...."If these walls could speak".... Manny's closing one year later, 5/31/10..moving tributes from my Facebook page to the closing of "the greatest mu

Tom Leavey
Tom Leavey
I bought my 51' P-Bass at Manny's and scored a cool Fender Amp clock they had hanging on the wall for $100.00. thousands of pics on all the walls
18 hours ago ·
Andy Cahan
Andy Cahan
I bought my Ampeg B15N amp at Manny's! 1965!
18 hours ago ·
Donnie Nossov
Donnie Nossov
I met Jimi Hendrix at the old shop on the east end of the block, buying a strat from Henry...
18 hours ago ·
Joseph Varsalona
Joseph Varsalona
I counted four pix of my dad there...I wish I could have gotten them!
18 hours ago ·
Fabrizio Grossi
Fabrizio Grossi
i bought my first "American" bass there, after i moved to NY from Milan. Wow, whatta shock !!!
17 hours ago ·
Elizabeth Oglesby
Elizabeth Oglesby
Beautiful and thoughtful tribute.
17 hours ago ·
Judy Worth Friedsam
Judy Worth Friedsam
I bought sooooooooo much stuff and met soooooooo many musicians at Manny's....lived across town from them. Indeed, if those walls could
talk !
17 hours ago ·
Judy Worth Friedsam
Judy Worth Friedsam
what a great video....thanx !
17 hours ago ·
Stuart Warshaw
Stuart Warshaw
I was born in the Bronx in the 50s, and around 1968 or so, I took the subway down to Manhatten and walked over to Mannys with $175 to buy a
guitar just like Eric Claptons' Cream era SG. I got to the shop before
it opened (since i was supposed to be in SCHOOL!) and waited outside,
gazing thru the window at all the treasures inside. a few minutes... See More
later, Henry opened the door and let me in. while I was looking at
several SGs on the wall, the front door opened again, and in walked Al
Kooper!!!! if I remember right he was checking out a Paisley Tele, and
Henry was helping both of us... I was playing a really nice SG Std, but
it was a little bit out of my price range, and Henry asked how much
money i had, and disapeared into the elevator for a few minutes, and
when he came back he handed me a hardshell Gibson case with a cherry
red, 1967 SG Special inside. I played it for a few minutes, Al Kooper
"approved', and Henry sold it to me for $175 tax incl. Many guitars and
many more trips back to Mannys since, i always had very fond memories
for Henry and Mannys, a great store! (one other time on another "school
trip" i got to meet "The Hermits" sans Herman right outside Mannys
front door!!)....peace.
17 hours ago ·
Fredrico Percussion
Fredrico Percussion
Manny's was the first store to stock & sell Fredrico Percussion Wah-Wah Shakers. My logic was if the best music store in the world was selling
my product, how could any other not ? I just loved the constant buzz in
the store, you just knew you were in some place special.
17 hours ago ·
Pete Scuderi
Pete Scuderi
I frequented it many times and it had a Vibe to it like no other...Sad to see it go...Manny's was the one store i thought i'd meet a Rock Star..
Rudy's held that honor IMO
17 hours ago ·
Bob 'kelly 'kelleher
Bob 'kelly 'kelleher
We went to Manny's (AEROSMITH) in a limo,on our way to Central Park...Schaefer Fest...stopped in ,bought a HI-WATT stack ,tossed it in
the car,drove to the gig n'cranked it up..............those days are
16 hours ago ·
Joey Zee
Joey Zee
Boy i miss the Vibe of that place it seemed to bridge music & time :(
16 hours ago ·
Jimmie Young
Jimmie Young
Manny's is gone now...............but NOT forgotten!
What a great history they had! My favorite music store of all time!! They will all be missed!
16 hours ago ·
Pete Scuderi
Pete Scuderi
I delivered Beer all over NYC in the 80's...With the Rents they pay their, its amazing any of them stay open, as well as music stores.
16 hours ago ·
Steve Postell
Steve Postell
I bought my first guitar there when I was 8, a classical Goya which I still have. Henry was still a big presence, and when I was 13 I played
a party at his house with my guitar teacher Richard Nieves, probably my
first gig! There will NEVER be another music store like that.
16 hours ago ·
George Leary
George Leary
When I was at the Hendrix office we used to go over to Manny's music, there I saw Erskine Hawkins band on the wall
who played the Savoy Ballroom. the wall of fame was as interesting as the wall of fame at Grossingers Hotel
15 hours ago ·
John Falbo
John Falbo
Picked up my Guild Starfire here in '62 from Henry; always made you feel special - Fantastic video - Thanks.
14 hours ago ·
Ted Perlman
Ted Perlman
What's there now? (at the Manny's location)
13 hours ago ·
Nick Ara
Nick Ara
Bought my Gibson Mastertone banjo from Manny's back in '73. Today Manny's is now a Sam Ash store.
12 hours ago ·
Steven Pomeroy
Steven Pomeroy
Manny's > Sam Ash. Any other way you look at that math would be sacrilege
12 hours ago ·
Larry Gruber
Larry Gruber
when i was 12, and forming my first band, my Dad took me to Manny's to purchase my first keyboard
12 hours ago ·
Barry Carl
Barry Carl
Bought my beautiful Fodera there before my second daughter's birth - when I still had money for stuff like that...
11 hours ago ·
Ken Sobel
Ken Sobel
I bought my first acoustic guitar there back when the acoustics were kept upstairs. It was a real rite of passage when you were offered a
personal account. They wrote down what you bought on a yellow card and
sent a handwritten bill each month. You never knew who you would see
there, or what special item you would stumble on if you walked in at
the right time...
11 hours ago ·
Richard Oshen
Richard Oshen
That street was always a magical street. It was alive with music drifting out of doorways. As a kid I bought my first bass rig, a cherry red
Fender, and Ampeg B-12 amp. Remember the Metropole around the corner?
Thank-you so much for sharing.
11 hours ago ·
Mark Lauria
Mark Lauria
Alas another victim of the big box and chinese crap stores!
11 hours ago ·
David Eidelberg
David Eidelberg
48th St. was once such a Mecca. Remember the Electro Harmonix store where you could try out Mike Matthews' new concoctions through headphones?
11 hours ago ·
George Buck
George Buck
I didn't know Manny's closed, that's a shame. I bought my first Ludwig drum kit there 44 years ago. Still got em.G.B.
11 hours ago ·
Christy Jones Segale
Christy Jones Segale
I bought an autoharp for my sister for christmas there in the 80's. What a place! I didn't know it closed... blame guitar center?
11 hours ago ·
Frank Di Ganci
Frank Di Ganci
Spent many a dollar. Met lotsa kewl peeps & had a blast every single time I stepped inside the best music store in the country!!! Lotsa great
10 hours ago ·
Randy Landau
Randy Landau
Billy. Very cool sales guy. Bought my first 5 string from him in the late 80's. I miss the old block.
Remember "We Buy Guitars" ?
10 hours ago ·
Scott Schuster
Scott Schuster
I think it's terribly heartbreaking to see the death of locally owned music stores. Wherever it may happen. :(
10 hours ago ·
Eric Ross
Eric Ross
HI Sam: thanks for video. I used to shop in manny's whenever I was in town. best E
10 hours ago ·
Paul Matthew Quin
Paul Matthew Quin
Beautiful emotive video Sandi - and great choice of song. I love this song and especially Shawn Colvin's version!
10 hours ago ·
Steve Lafiosca
Steve Lafiosca

After my telecaster was stolen at that gig we had at the church (what were we...17?), your Dad sent me over to Manny's to buy a new guitar.

Great place... great memories!
9 hours ago ·
Rob Alfano
Rob Alfano
When I worked in Rock Center, we used to walk in there on our lunch hour often. As soon as you walked through the door, you really felt its rich
history. Its been owned by Sam Ash for the past 10 yrs or so....(They
tried to hide that) Sad to see it go.
9 hours ago ·
Carl Jacobs
Carl Jacobs
Back in the fall of 1960, i was suspended from a prep school in Northern, NJ. I came from Fla. and on the train into NYC, to catch a plane home,
i shared the ride with one, John Sebastion, who took out his guitar and
homemade harmonica brace and played some songs. 6 months later, my
father took me into Manny's to buy my first guitar, a Goya sunburst
steel string. Thanks John, Thanks Dad
9 hours ago ·
Glen Burtnik
Glen Burtnik
Amazing, unthinkable and backed with that song, deeply sad.
9 hours ago ·
Jeffrey Fried
Jeffrey Fried
As a longtime friend of the Goldrich family I really appreciate this post.Great times there with Henry, Ian and Judd.
9 hours ago ·
Jim Fay
Jim Fay
Thanks Leslie. It's sad to see a place like this go. But music lives forever. SOUND NEVER STOPS !
8 hours ago ·
Ed Bielawa
Ed Bielawa
I used to love being in Manny's you could feel the magic. Bought a Casio keyboard for my wife around 1981. also remember Terminal music down the
block. My dad was a sax player and would bring me to 48th as a kid.
Then pick up an orange Julius
8 hours ago ·
Rich Arfin
Rich Arfin
I bought my Martin there back in '71. I saw George Harrison in the store that day. I'd go hang out there sometimes on my lunch hour from WNEW
when it was on 46th Street. Good memories.
8 hours ago ·
Kenn Whittemore
Kenn Whittemore
best music store ever -sad!
8 hours ago ·

Joe Febb
Joe Febb
The greatest music store ever indeed!!! Its hard to fathom the talent that walked thru those walls. I bought my first "Ludwigs' there. Tony thanks
for posting.
7 hours ago ·
David Sokol
David Sokol
Nothing will ever be the same. Nice folks there.
2 hours ago ·
Agustín Ebeid San Martín
Agustín Ebeid San Martín
Hi I´m a guitar player from Uruguay (south america) . when I was a child my father usually went to New York and he bouth my first guitar in
Manny´s and he ever told me about that great music store . In june of
2009 I went to New York and I can´t belive it when I found the store
cloused . It´s a shame a place with all that story gone ...
2 hours ago ·

about an hour ago ·
Alex Giovanelli
Alex Giovanelli
Went to Manny's when I was 16 years old and felt the bond that all real musicians feel when they walk through that door. There will never be
another music store comparable to Manny's.It will never be forgotten.

Views: 127


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Comment by Mitch Skop on February 22, 2021 at 3:53pm

1965.  Manny himself sold me a Ludwig black lacquer drum kit.  Mom took me; I was 10.  

I was awestruck, and Manny was a gentleman.

From then on, Stuart would help me with whatever I needed.  Another gentleman.  

I will always cherish my Manny's experiences and miss them forever.

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Feb 17, 2023
Mike Sarubbe replied to Mike Sarubbe's discussion IMPORTANT : !!!!!!!! Very crucial Family Heirlooms I need to return to Goldrich family !!!!!
"Me teaching Marc to play "Killer Instinct on the SNES entertainment system . Boynton Beach ,FL. X-Mas 1994-95' .( I am such a dork ,I was wearing a Killer Instinct shirt ) One of the greatest Arcade Fighting games of all time though !…"
Nov 19, 2022
Mike Sarubbe replied to Mike Sarubbe's discussion IMPORTANT : !!!!!!!! Very crucial Family Heirlooms I need to return to Goldrich family !!!!!
Nov 19, 2022
Mike Sarubbe posted a discussion

IMPORTANT : !!!!!!!! Very crucial Family Heirlooms I need to return to Goldrich family !!!!!

Hey everyone. It Is Mike ,down in S. FL. I have at least 2 items that I really need to get returned to you guys. It is from the 30+ Boxes of stuff Marc left in my Garage . Please contact me ,Either , Laura ,Stu , Holly ,  Ian ,or Judd ,or anyone in the Manny's Family only please!     561-245-1769. I have for sure ,The Manny's 50thh anniversary Plaque, and Manny's fine China set maybe from his wedding .  English  ? Just call me Holly !  I really want to get this back to you guys . Not an Hr.…See More
Nov 19, 2022
Mike Sarubbe commented on Sandi's photo

Manny's prices slashed

"That's the Old store. Never saw that one ! "
Nov 13, 2022
Mike Sarubbe commented on Sandi's photo

"Are you guys sick of seeing this mug on your walls yet? The 2,000 Year Old Customer" John Sebastian

"God , I wish I had a Schlepper shirt now !   I used to take them right out of Marc's stack at home. They would never fit me now,we both wore a size S back then !!!!"
Nov 13, 2022
Mike Sarubbe commented on Sandi's photo

The Animals

"Love Eric more as I get Older . So many great songs! One of my faves is "Sky Pilot " !   Classic!"
Nov 13, 2022
Jen Chapin posted a blog post

memories from (my uncle) Steve Chapin

Ah yes. . . Henry.  Always a hot experience for me at Manny's.It was there in the 70's (Harry with albums and Tom on tv with Make a Wish), that he referenced me as the "no-talent Chapin" one occasion while Tom and I were shopping there - it was actually very funny at the time, a Rodney Dangerfield moment.                                            But for the next two decades, every time I would drop $5K a pop for PA equipment, TEAC recorders, ADAT machines, Mackie boards, outboard gear,…See More
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Steve Bondy posted a photo

"E.Q. Magazine' Issue #1 Lead Article; Room With a View

Bondy Sound, "The Marquee N.Y.C." Buddy Guy, Black Crows, Paul Young, GWAR, an exciting venue.
Sep 14, 2021
Lance Barbarino replied to Jack C's discussion Rolling Thunder Revue, April 1976
"Clearwater, Fla. TV show 1976 featured Rolling Thunder Review. Its on You Tube. Fantastic."
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